LWAK Kenya

The A:RT-D Grids project focuses on international and interdisciplinary research to develop modern socio-technical systems to provide robust, intelligent, and decentralized power systems for rural communities in Africa. The objective of setting up a demonstration plant under the A:RT-D Grids project was to provide the participating partners with practical experience in the construction and operation of a micro power plant. It was aimed as a field laboratory for the researchers to investigate concepts such as smart grid technologies, energy storage and load management and to develop and test solutions for sustainable operation and management of such systems. Partners from Paderborn University (Germany), ECOLOG Institute Lüneburg (Germany) and Asantys Systems GmbH successfully installed and commissioned a 12kWp PV system with 37.5kWh of battery storage at the Convent of St. Anna in Lwak, Siaya County, Kenya in August and September 2023. The system included 3 SMA Sunny Boy inverters, 3 SMA Sunny Island inverters, SMA Energy Meters, a Data Manager and Hoppecke batteries for storage. SMA Altenso GmbH , a company that focuses on focuses on innovative off-grid, hybrid and battery-based projects provided discounted equipment for the project. SMA Altenso also conducted a two-day training session in September 2022 for the project participants, as well as arranging subsequent testing sessions in 2023 at their Head Offices in Kassel, Germany. The system was set up as three independent 4kWp systems with 12 kWh storage supplying three different buildings at the site. Interested residents of the Convent as well as the resident technician were given an overview of the basics of microgrid operation, and a tour arranged for students from the adjacent Girls Secondary School. As part of the research, a system with microcontrollers and control relays was developed and setup for measurement, logging and islanding that allows the operation of three independent, single-phase microgrids, which can also be interconnected to create a common island network. A load management system using IoT devices and smart plugs for the measurement and control of refrigeration appliances based on temperature was also developed, installed and tested at the site. This provided insights into power consumption reduction and energy efficiency improvement potential.
The solar installation has enabled the Convent to incorporate renewable energy supply, reduce grid reliance and lower their electricity costs. The demonstration plant will be available for further research and development after the conclusion of the project. Visits to the plant and training in partnership with SMA Solar Academy will also be possible.
Bunjako Island

Location: Bunjako Island, off-grid region, power is supplied exclusively by the solar panels with accumulators in 2 containers.