Graduate Training Workshop 2023
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts A:RT-D Grids organisierten die Universität Paderborn (Deutschland) und das ECOLOG Institut Lüneburg (Deutschland) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem College of Engineering and Technology (CoET) der University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) (Tansania) das dritte Graduate Training for Sustainable Energy Development. Die Veranstaltung fand vom 7. bis 11. August 2023 am CoET der UDSM in Tansania statt.
Die Mitarbeiter von A:RT-D Grids bestehen aus Industrie- und Forschungspartnern aus Afrika und Europa. Das Projekt A:RT-D Grids konzentriert sich auf internationale und interdisziplinäre Forschung zur Entwicklung moderner soziotechnischer Systeme, um eine robuste, intelligente und dezentrale Stromversorgungssysteme für ländliche Gemeinden in Afrika bereitzustellen.
Die Teilnehmer, die sich aktiv an den Arbeiten beteiligten und dazu beitrugen, kamen aus verschiedenen Bereichen, darunter Ingenieur-, Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften, Wirtschaft und Technikdidaktik.
An den fünf Workshoptagen wurden 23 Vorträge und Präsentationen, darunter vier Hauptvorträge, von Teilnehmern der UDSM, des Projekts A:RT-D Grids und geladenen Gästen aus der Praxis und anderen Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen gehalten. An 3 Nachmittagen wurden 17 verschiedene Workshops abgehalten, an denen kleinere Gruppen von Teilnehmern teilnehmen konnten.
Außerdem wurde eine Exkursion organisiert, bei der die Teilnehmer die Hybrid-Solaranlage und die Einrichtungen der Don Bosco Vocational School in Dar es Salaam besichtigten.
Bei der Abschlussveranstaltung wurden 204 Teilnahmezertifikate ausgehändigt.
Graduate Training 2022
After a successful graduate training with just under 300 active participants in June 2021, we are pleased to be holding a second virtual graduate training this year. The "Graduate Training for Sustainable Energy Development" will take place from Monday 5 September to Friday 9 September 2022. Participation is free of charge.
The interdisciplinary programme will include contributions from professors, researchers and experts from the different fields and will include an introduction to the A:RT-D Grids project and the different perspectives on sustainability. Therefore, the programme will explore sustainable energy aspects with a focus on sustainable technology, sustainable community perspectives, sustainable economy, gender and conflict perspectives, didactics and education for sustainable development. In addition, the A:RT-D Grids Team invites experts from the field to give presentations. The latest research results of the A:RT-D Grids project will also be presented.
Interactive sessions in which participants work together on a designed case that includes all the above perspectives on building a microgrid are also part of the graduate training. At the end of each day, the workshop results will be presented.
With the "Call for Contributions" we invite graduate students, doctoral candidates and professionals to share their current research topic and relevant professional experience during the virtual graduate training. The presentations should be understandable for all participants, regardless of their academic or practical background.
All important information about the whole project can be found on our website.
After successful participation, participants and speakers will receive a certificate of participation or presentation.
Graduate Training for Sustainable Energy Development
New ways to electrify remote regions in East Africa
Experts provide information on microgrids and sustainable energy concepts at virtual graduate training course
Affordable, reliable and clean energy for all - this is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. But people still lack access to electricity. To change this, scientists from Paderborn University and the ECOLOG Institute Lüneburg are working with partners from industry in an international project team to develop new ways to electrify remote regions in East Africa through microgrids, i.e. mini power grids that are separated from each other. The first graduate training course, for which more than 300 participants from Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America as well as Australia have registered, shows how great the worldwide interest is in these future-oriented and sustainable solutions. The aim of the training is to advance the research and development of sustainable modular energy networks to achieve better grid stability in remote areas of East African countries.
The virtual event titled "Approaching Sustainable Energy Development in East African Countries through an interdisciplinary project on Microgrids" was held from 28 June to 2 July. Through training programmes like this, scientists within the project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), passed on practice-relevant knowledge to young scientists and experts.
For five days, international experts imparted basic knowledge about rural electrification through microgrids. The lectures and workshops were held and led by project participants from Paderborn University, Makerere University (Uganda), the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (Tanzania), the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), the PI Photovoltaic Institute Berlin, the ECOLOG Institute and Asantys Systems. The focus was on very different topics and ranged from education and social sciences to engineering and economics to the didactics of technology. The focus was on the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, the economic perspective on sustainability, technical aspects of microgrids, but also research topics in the field of sustainable energy.